About the chapter
Wisconsin SSN launched in 2014 to connect academic researchers with individuals from the government, business, media and non-profit communities to share ideas and analyses of state and national policy challenges. Our events include public presentations of research, scholarly seminars, and panels combining researchers and local political actors, all focusing on timely political issues.
Latest from the Chapter
“At the [event], we learned about the work of each attending scholar and engaged in valuable discussion about how academics and politicians can collaborate for the betterment of all. Our office finds the Scholars Strategy Network to be a valuable resource and we are really looking forward to strengthening our connection with the group.”
Chapter Members
Displaying 16 - 30 of 45 Results
University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Education
- Children & Families
- Environment & Energy
University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Public Health
- Immigration
- Health Care
- Inequality
- Reproductive Health
- Children & Families
- Race & Ethnicity
University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Colleges & Universities
- Law & Courts
- Gender & Sexuality
- Inequality
University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Gender & Sexuality
- Race & Ethnicity
- Education
- Public Health
- Immigration
- Movements & Political Parties
University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Immigration
- Labor
- Gender & Sexuality
- Inequality
Learn About Membership
Are you a university scholar or a researcher with peer-reviewed work? Contact us.